The first Sunday of the month May is observed as the International Mothers’ Day. This year it fell on May 8. To mark it a mothers’ day the Khunti Cathedral Parish organized a half day programme for the members of the Mahila Sangha. More than two hundred mothers participated in.
Subsequent to the Holy Mass, Fr. Anupchand Minj addressed the group. Needless to say, how mothers play a vital role in making or destroying, and breaking or bridging a family. Subsequently, explaining existing various laws, he made them aware of several laws that contain specific rights and powers mothers. He mentioned Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Constitution of India wherein it is categorically said that no citizens would be discriminated caste, creed, cult, language, religion, place of birth and more importantly on the basis of sex. Maternity benefits available in laws were explained to them. He also told mothers about the measures they should take in case of crimes like rape, acid attack, etc., committed against them or someone. He explained to them when, how and by whom an accused woman can be arrested and the subsequent rights available to such arrestee ladies.
Fr. Minj also asked the participants to help their own families, neighbours and relatives to eradicate crimes committed in the name of Dain Bisahi.